Parentals are back from week in Southern California. Was a great time. Many, many pictures. Links to come.
Enter my
Southern California Wildflower Contest
Enter your best guess answer to:
Of how many different types of flowers did I take a picture?
1 Grand Prize*
Person who comes closest to the correct answer will get a prize to be determined later plus the glory of winning the contest and having their name posted on this blog.
2 Runner Up Prizes**
2nd and 3rd closest answers will get the glory of coming in 2nd and 3rd place in the contest and having their name posted on this blog.
• Contest is open to legal residents of the (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years of age or older, or younger. Also to anyone who has an Internet connection.
• One entry per person only
• Entries must be received before I post my pictures
• Contest winner(s)* ** to be announced after I post my pictures
* Grand prize will be awarded subject to at least one person entering the contest.
** 2 Runner Up Prizes will be awarded subject to at least two or three people entering the contest.