We have a new succah! But that is not what this post is about.
This post is about
the place where we bought our new succah.
It is one of those places you should go see even if you don’t need a succah!The other succah places where we shopped had maybe one demo succah set up. Or a half a succah (sorry, two walls, not kosher). Or an adorable dwee 2 ft model succah that your hamsters would love (and so light!)
This place however had a whole indoor showroom of various types of succah. There were a whole bunch of full size, fully set up succahs.
And when I say fully set up, I mean with decorations and tables and chairs and place settings.
But that is not all. Oh no, that is not all!
One succah even had Mannequins!

Bob is at the front, shaking hands with the ba'al ha'succah.
The chesed shown by the ba'al ha'succah to invite this assorted group is truly amazing! (In addition to the variously challenged people you can see in the succah such as the chemotherapy patient, the woman in the lower left of the photo
has no arms!)
This is the succah which we bought, though in a different color:

The portable succah (use it as your camp shower room after succot):

Some other choices:

Look thru the window to see the succah we bought. At the same time, admire the
artificial tree growing between the succahs!

In addition to your new succah, you can also buy (for your new succah):
tables, chairs, beds

and decorations, including wishful thinking murals of Yerushalayim:

Here is Gary writing up our order, and all ready in case he feels a "Hamlet Moment" coming on.
Or maybe Poor Yorick is just waiting for one of those hamster succahs.
So go check it out - The National Sukkah Outlet- SukkahOutlet.Com - 20 Brighton Ave , Clifton, NJ (Passaic?).
And if you end up buying one, remind them that they owe Lill $25 commission.
Have a great Yom Tov!