But sometimes I get incomprehensible messages from them. For example ...
From Geni: Shui Haber is your second cousin twice removed's husband's third great nephew.
Shui, I'm really glad we are related. Just don't ask me to explain how.
In other news, the most exciting thing that happened at work this week was looking out my window:

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Is there anything particularly exciting about that guy?
I just thought it was brave of him to go out dressed that way. It's hard to tell from the picture. By the time I pulled out the camera he was pretty far. It was the sort of outfit one would wear in the middle of a hurricane to examine downed power lines in front of their house. I'm pretty sure the tee shirt was an undershirt.
I tried trying out Geni using a fake email [not realizing you need a real one], but someone else already took my fake email.
notElon, you can always resurrect Esther Greenberg at gmail.
are we really related?
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