Snow Canyon, Kolub Canyon, Silver Reef, Bryce
First thing in the morning. Self

The valve wasn't opening because it was frozen. Blow drying it helped.

More Snow Canyon photos before we leave.

See the little dots on the red hill? You may need to blow up photo.

The St George, Utah Post Office is in the Ace Hardware store.

This is about all we got to see of Kolub Canyon, as the road was closed due to ice and snow.

Silver Reef

On the road ...
Near Silver Reef.

This nice man helped us turn around on the road when it became too icy. Good thing, because it was my idea to be on that road in the first place, and I never would have heard the end of it had we gotten stuck.

On the road ...

You REALLY want to make this turn.

Red Canyon


My Pi checks into Ruby's Inn Campground.

The campground.