One of the highlights was playing "Holiday Bingo".
The words that were used are hilarious. And I will play Freud by analyzing the different ways in which people mark a bingo square as having been called.
This was the way most people marked off their boxes.
So... these people are normal, average.
Too lazy to draw the second diagonal line.


Timid. Indecisive.
This was my favorite. This person is clearly artistic. Also very thorough. Or just plain OCD.
To lazy to play.
Another amusing thing.
There was supposed to have also been a "Employee Names Bingo." Someone, I won't mention names so as not to embarrass the dim, decided that there were not enough "Employee Names Bingo" cards, so he/she Xeroxed some of them so as to get more.
That would have been a fun game. Winner is the first to yell bingo after getting bingo.
Well, Susan, I've been reading this blog for a while, and I know a spam comment when I see one, but anyway...
Mommy - which was your bingo form?
I am honored that Susan chose my blog to spam. I was considering asking her which was her favorite post.
Eli, Which do you think was my bingo form?
(continuing in my Freud mode)
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