Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another Absurd Supermarket Flyer Ad

You sometimes see ads in supermarket fliers such as "Buy $25 worth of P&G items in a single transaction and get $3 off" or "Buy 10 Hunts tomato product items in a single transaction and get a $5 coupon off your next order". And promotions like that make sense*.

But the following offer in this week's, May 18-24, Stop&Shop flyer makes me wonder what they were thinking.

Oh gee, I don’t think I can manage to buy this ONE Pyrex dish in ONE transaction, so I’ll just buy PART of it now, and get the rest in MORE transactions, later in the week.

Can I get this Pyrex dish on layaway, please?

*Logical sense if not business sense. I once made a net profit of $2.50 buying 10 of the $.25 cans of Hunts tomato sauce. (The next year Hunts figured it out and the promotion was "Buy $10 worth of Hunts tomato products in a single transaction and get a $5 coupon off your next order."


Eli Lansey said...

They sell you an expensive Pyrex dish and a cheap brownie mix to bake in it. Not sure what's absurd?

Lill said...

I added more info to the post cause my Pi didn't get it either. Can you figure it out now?

Eli Lansey said...

OK, I get it now.