Monday, December 16, 2019

Billions of Birds!

Those who know me, or have ever been in my home, know that I get very interested in specific categories of nature. For example, geology or botany. 

I am now well on my way to getting obsessed with ornithology. 

Which Bob is happy about, because I am not collecting birds. 

Today was a very good day for the birds.

 All dressed up for the holidays at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, FL

The rest of these photos were taken at Sweetwater Wetlands Park, Gainesville. 

Which of these bird names do you think are real and which ones do you think I made up? Which sound like I made them up even though I didn't?

Feel free to provide correct names or better made up ones. 
 Female Anhinga

Purple Gallinule 

 American Coot

Common Moorhen

 Wood Stork!


Yellow Bellied Black Masked
Note added 1/6/2020-  A made up name. Expert birder, my cousin Robin, correctly identified the above bird:
"..Mystery warbler could be a Palm Warbler.  Winter plumage has streaking on sides, yellow under tail, facial markings similar to your photo."
Thanks, Robin! I'm very impressed!


 Great Blue Heron

 Black Bellied Whistling Ducks


More Wood Storks

Snowy Egret

Just wanted to see if you were
paying attention

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