Monday, November 11, 2019

Charlottesville, Virginia University of Virginia and Monticello

Wednesday Nov 6th and Thurs Nov 7th - 
University of Virginia and Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia  

University of Virginia was founded by Thomas Jefferson as a retirement project. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site. 
Student tour guide Miriam from Brooklyn is excellent. Talks about Thomas Jefferson’s “Academical Village” vision and educational theories. Refers to slaves as “enslaved people”. One of the members of the tour group keeps trying to recruit her for his company.  Jefferson is obsessed with Roman and French architecture. The college originally ran on slave labor, or "enslaved people" labor.
So much for “All men are created equal.”

Monticello (pronounced Montichello)
Thomas Jefferson’s home and plantation. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Run on slave labor, including Jefferson’s own children by slave Sally Hemings, who was half-sister to his deceased wife. 
So much for “All men are created equal.”

Fun fact 1- There is a painting of Jefferson in practically every room in his house, but no picture exists of his wife Martha, or Sally Hemings.  Uriah Phillips Levy

Fun fact 2 - My friend Ina points out that were it not for 2 Jewish men, Uriah Phillips Levy, and his nephew Jefferson Monroe Levy, Monticello as it is today would not exist. See for the fascinating history.

Fun fact 3 - Especially relevant since this post was published on Veterans Day - Uriah Phillips Levy was the first Jewish Commodore of the United States Navy. For more about him, see   

Mulberry Road where the slaves lived and slaved

Guide Susan smiles widely after everything she says

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, the Levy family were very patriotic Americans and get little mention in relation to their contributions. I also find Thomas Jefferson to be a vet complex individual. Monticello was astonishing and worthwhile.