I learned a new word yesterday - Graupel. It is defined as soft hail or snow pellets. Fortunately, the graupel didn’t start until late in the day, but together with scary high gusts of wind, it made for an interesting drive from Cuyahoga Valley National Park to East Harbor State Park on the shore of Lake Erie.
Finishing up Cuyahoga Valley National Park -
Because of Covid, there are signs instructing people to “Hike
Clockwise” at every loop trail. This is to reduce the number of people you pass
while hiking.
Now I don’t know if people don’t know how to tell time, or maybe they were just confused because of the time change, but on the Brandywine Gorge Trail on Sunday, there were an awful lot of people going counterclockwise on the trail.
This was a weird sign:
Signal when passing? On a hiking trail? Were we supposed to send up a flare?
Other stuff to see in the park:
Ritchie Ledges:
The Tinkers Gorge area
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