Monday, February 1, 2021

We Are Home!

I'm so glad we got home in time for the snowstorm! I'm drinking hot chocolate and looking out at my backyard.

We got home a week ago after spending the last days of our trip at beautiful Gulf State Park, Alabama.

It took two days of steady driving with a stop overnight in Lexington, North Carolina.

Bob got his 1st Covid vaccine on Wednesday which was the reason for coming home now.

In two days, we went from this:
To this:
A week ago, when I missed snow, there was this (piles of sand)
Now there is this!
We were away for 3 months, from Oct 25,2020 to Jan 25,2021.

We drove a total of 6,175 miles. 1,212 of those were in the two days coming home from the Gulf Shores. (You can make really good time when you travel with your own bathroom.)

We were in 21 states and DC: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, DC, Maryland, and Delaware.

B"H, we stayed safe and healthy, although Covid had a big impact on the trip. This itinerary wasn't what we originally hoped to do, but it was a terrific opportunity. Gam Zoo L'Tova (It's all for the best.)

What an amazing country this is!

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